Definition of Acute triangle

1. Noun. A triangle whose interior angles are all acute.

Exact synonyms: Acute-angled Triangle
Generic synonyms: Triangle, Trigon, Trilateral

Definition of Acute triangle

1. Noun. (geometry) A triangle all of the angles of which are acute. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Acute Triangle

acute renal failure
acute respiratory failure
acute rheumatic arthritis
acute rhinitis
acute rickets
acute schizophrenia
acute schizophrenic episode
acute sedge
acute situational reaction
acute spinal cord compression
acute splenic tumour
acute stress reaction
acute toxicity
acute transverse myelitis
acute triangle
acute triangles
acute trypanosomiasis
acute tuberculosis
acute tubular necrosis
acute ulcerative gingivitis
acute urethral syndrome
acute urticaria
acute vascular occlusion
acute vascular purpura
acute viral conjunctivitis
acute yellow atrophy of the liver

Literary usage of Acute triangle

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Architectural Composition: An Attempt to Order and Phrase Ideas which by John Beverley Robinson (1908)
"If we reduce this to figures we shall have something of this sort: 4 5 8 Base of Base of acute triangle 1s to Altitude of acute triangle obtuse triangle a ..."

2. School Arithmetics by George Albert Wentworth, David Eugene Smith (1920)
"acute triangle. A triangle in which all the angles are acute angles is called an acute triangle. Obtuse Triangle. A triangle in which one of the angles is ..."

3. Plane Geometry by William Betz, Harrison Emmett Webb, Percey Franklyn Smith (1912)
"One side of an acute triangle is 8, and its projection on another side is 4. What is known about this triangle? Is the triangle determined definitely ? 11. ..."

4. Essentials of Arithmetic by George Wentworth, David Eugene Smith (1915)
"acute triangle. A triangle in which all the angles are acute angles is called an acute triangle. 160. Obtuse Triangle. A triangle in which one of the angles ..."

5. Mathematical Questions and Solutions by W. J. C. Miller (1866)
"Hence, as the two lines originally assumed may indifferently have every value of x from 0 to 1, the required absolute probability of an acute triangle is ..."

6. Modern Junior Mathematics by Marie Gugle (1920)
"A triangle having all angles acute is an acute triangle. An acute triangle having all of its angles equal is called an equiangular triangle. Why? ..."

7. The Silver-Burdett Arithmetics by George Morris Philips, Robert Franklin Anderson (1913)
"(2) An acute triangle is a triangle whose angles are all acute. (3) An obtuse triangle is a triangle which has an obtuse angle. 434. ..."

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